Academic Advisory Group
The Association for Resource Management Practitioners, Te Kahui Ture Taiao, Academic Advisory Group (AAG) was formally established as a special interest group of the Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand in 2012.
In establishing the AAG, the RMLA recognised the important contribution that the academy can bring to its other activities, e.g. seminars and conferences, and submissions on critical policy issues and legislative reforms.
Membership of the AAG is free and open to any member of the RMLA, or an affiliated association, with an interest in research or teaching in the fields of resource management and environmental law.
The AAG runs an annual research symposium and provides academic input into RMLA publications and other RMLA projects that aim to support students and young professionals studying and working in the fields of resource management and environmental law.
Any views expressed on this website are individual to members of the AAG and do not necessarily represent the views of the RMLA.