Guideline to submitting articles

Resource Management Journal

The Resource Management Journal is published 3 times a year: April, August and November.

All article submissions should generally be no longer than 2000 words (this is at the Editor’s discretion).

If you are interested in seeing your work published in the RMJ, please send a short synopsis to Executive Officer for review and approval by the RMLA Editorial Committee.

Annual timelines are as follows:

April issue:

  • Submission of synopsis – 18 March

  • Copy deadline – 29 March

August issue:

  • Submission of synopsis – 5 July

  • Copy deadline – 31 July

November issue:

  • Submission of synopsis – 6 October

  • Copy deadline – 31 October

Articles should be written in accordance with the New Zealand Law Style Guide (2nd ed) by Geoff McLay, Christopher Murray and Jonathan Orpin, the Law Foundation New Zealand.

Note: All references are to be included in the body of the text. Footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies are discouraged.

Acceptance of written work in the Resource Management Journal does not in any way indicate an adoption by RMLA of the opinions expressed by the authors. Authors remain responsible for their opinions, and any defamatory or litigious material and the Editor accepts no responsibility for such material.

New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law

The Association has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Faculty of Law, University of Auckland, to facilitate contribution of journal articles that are of an appropriate standard to NZJEL. If you would like to submit an article, the guidelines for NZJEL can be found here.


To trigger a debate or contribute to an on-going discussion in RMLA’s Obiter, please send your paper to us.