A guide for Advertising in the Resource Management Journal

Readership:       Approximately 2000 (current membership over 900)
Frequency:        Three times a year (April/August/November)
Deadlines:  1st day of the month of publication (some flexibility available)
Mechanical:       Offset
Page Size:          A4 210mm x 297mm – 3 column layout
Column Width: 56mm

Display Rates (GST exclusive):  
Full page – image area 265mm x 180mm - $400.00
Half page (horizontal) – 130mm x 180mm - $225.00
Third page (vertical) – 265mm x 56mm - $150.00
Third page (horizontal) – 86mm x 180mm - $150.00
Sixth page (vertical) – 130mm x 56mm - $100.00

Preferential Loading:
Inside front cover = plus 50%
Inside back cover = plus 50%
Back page = plus 75%

Editorial Profile:  Resource Management Journal’s mission is to facilitate communication between RMLA members on all matters relating to resource management.

Conditions:  RMLA reserves the right to accept or reject advertisements and to place the word “advertisement” on any material which takes the form of advertising.  Advertisers are responsible for their advertising content under the Trade Practices Act.

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