New Zealand Journal of Environment Law : Issue 23 (2019)



The NZJEL volume 23 has been published by the Law School, University of Auckland, and is available for purchase.


The State of Well-being - A Search for Meaning in the New Zealand Regulatory Environment - Pip Wallace and Jennifer Holman

Enabling Marine Ecosystem-based Management: Is Aotearoa New Zealand's Legal Framework up to the Task? - Raewyn Peart, Alison Greenaway and Lara Taylor

The Potential Role of the International Trade Regime to Phase Out Fossil Fuel Subsidies - Sarah Eason

The Unprecedented "Sinking Island" Phenomenon: The Legal Challenges on Statehood Caused by Rising Sea Level - Benjamin Johnstone

Big Decisions in Uncertain Depths: Adaptive Risk Management of Deep Seabed Mining in International Waters - Jesse Aimer

Big Oil, Big Liability: Fossil Fuel Companies and Liability for Climate Change Harm - Briony Bennett

Climate Claimants: The Prospects of Suing the New Zealand Government for Climate Change Inaction - Pooja Upadhyay

"A Priceless Trust": The Prospects for Atmnospheric Trust Litigation in New Zealand - Bryce Lyall

Making Room for Rivers - Mick Strack and Andrew Scott

The New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law is published annually by the Faculty of Law, the University of Auckland. The Journal is available on direct subscription or by writing to:

The Subscription ManagerNew Zealand Journal of Environmental LawFaculty of LawThe University of AucklandPrivate Bag 92-019AucklandNEW ZEALANDThe following annual subscription prices apply (postage, handling and GST included):New Zealand subscribers: NZ$75 per annum.Overseas subscribers: NZ$80 per annum (no GST payable).

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