New Zealand Journal of Environment Law : Issue 22 (2018)



The NZJEL vol 22 has been published by the Law School, University of Auckland, and is available for purchase. The 285 page content (Kenneth Palmer editor) comprises the following articles: 

Dr Martin Kment : The German Approach to Sustainability and its New Zealand Equivalent

Hannah Prior : Environmental Trusteeship of the Global Commons: Can New Zealand Take the Lead?

Anja Morris : Marine Genetic Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: How should the Exploration of the Resources be Regulated?

Olivia Oldham : A Critical Analysis of the Incorporation of Tikanga Maori in Decisions on Genetic Modification

Madeline Seaman : Contributions of Philosophy and Psychology towards Understanding the Effectiveness of Environmental Law in a New Zealand Context

Kevin Counsell : Privacy Versus Views: A Law and Economics Approach to Balancing Conflicting Urban Values

Benedikt Miller : The New Zealand and German Legal Waste Systems – Status Quo and Current Movements

Victoria Edmonds : Local Government Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Hannah Watson : Putting a Price on Freshwater in New Zealand: Can We Afford not to?

The price is $75.00 (inc GST and postage). To purchase, please access the shopping cart at

Alternatively, if internet banking is preferred, please contact Sandra Shaw ( who will arrange for an invoice to be sent to the email address provided.


Feedback invited on proposed fishing catch limits


Farms of the future