A guide for Members

  • In order to access member-only content you will need to re-JOIN. The process of re-JOINING resets your password. Your previous password will not work on our new website.

    By re-JOINING your annual subscription will start for a new 12 month period.

    If you have time to run on your previous annual subscription, we will issue you with a coupon code to take that into account. Please contact us if you haven’t received your coupon code from us.

    Re-JOINING for individuals is via credit card and renews automatically annually unless cancelled. RMLA will give you plenty of advance notice so that you can make an informed decision before that happens.

    Important please read:

    (a) You must ‘verify account’ in order to activate your account and your membership subscription. You will receive an email asking you to do this.

    (b) If you opt out of accepting marketing, you will not receive our weekly News Brief or any other communications.

    Re-JOINING for groups of people within an organisation can be paid for via consolidated invoice. Please contact us to discuss further.

  • If this is your first time JOINING the RMLA community the process is simple.

    Simply click on the JOIN button, follow the steps including verifying your new account.

    Like existing members, membership fees for individuals are payable via credit card. Annual subscriptions renew automatically every year unless cancelled. RMLA will give you plenty of advance notice so that you can make an informed decision whether to proceed.

    Important please read:

    (a) You must ‘verify account’ in order to activate your account and your membership subscription. You will receive an email asking you to do this.

    (b) If you opt out of accepting marketing, you will not receive our weekly News Brief or any other communications.

    Re-JOINING for groups of people within an organisation can be paid for via consolidated invoice. Please contact us to discuss further.