November 2019 RM Journal

Table of Contents:

RMLA is pleased to announce that the November issue of the Resource Management Journal is now available.

Note from the Editor, Bronwyn Carruthers:

You may have noticed that we’ve been trying some different approaches to the content of the Journal this year.

I am delighted to deliver a special issue focussed solely on the topic of cumulative effects in the coastal and marine areas. While there is some level of necessary overlap between the papers, to enable them to each stand-alone, the authors have strived to pull the series together in a compact and purposeful collection.

The five articles cover partnerships, principles, knowledge, uncertainty and collaboration. Both individually and as a suite I hope they are of interest to you all and of assistance to those interested in managing cumulative effects in our coastal and marine areas.

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April 2020 RM Journal


August 2019 RM Journal