April 2020 RM Journal

Table of Contents:

RMLA is pleased to announce that the April issue of the Resource Management Journal is now available.

This month’s issue includes:

Flattening the Climate Change Curve – Putting the RMA ‘Shoulder to the Wheel’ – Martin Williams, Barrister

Editorial – Bronwyn Carruthers, Editor

Rethinking Land Use Rights and Restrictions under the RMA – Daniel Shao, Principal, Haines Planning

The Motiti Decision: Implications for Coastal Management – Dr Steve Urlich, Lecturer in Environmental Management, Lincoln University

Consequential Effects and ‘End Use’ under the RMA – Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [2019] NZEnvC 196 – Ezekiel Hudspith, Special Counsel, and Liam Bullen, Solicitor, Dentons Kensington Swan

Working with Historic Heritage and Special Character in New Zealand – Daniel Minhinnick, Partner, and Patrick Senior, Senior Solicitor, Russell McVeagh

The Environment Court and Issue Estoppel: Flax Trust v Queenstown Lakes District Council [2019] NZEnvC 177 – Thomas Gibbons, Director, and Tim Fahey, Solicitor, McCaw Lewis

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August 2020 RM Journal


November 2019 RM Journal