August 2019 RM Journal

Table of Contents:

RMLA is pleased to announce that the August issue of the Resource Management Journal is now available.

This month’s issue includes:

Climate Crisis: the cold hard facts about all that “hot air” – Jenny Cooper QC

Editorial – Bronwyn Carruthers, Editor

The National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity – the Wrong Answer to the Wrong Question? – Daniel Minhinnick, Partner, and Georgia Cameron, Solicitor, Russell McVeagh

In this new age of environmental enforcement, should we consider mandatory self-reporting of environmental offending? – Rachel Devine, Partner, and Patrick Senior, Senior Solicitor, MinterEllisonRuddWatts

Fifteen years after the foreshore furore – progress on protecting customary interests in Takutai Moana – Helen Andrews, Partner and Heather Philip, Solicitor, Berry Simons

Court decision: RMA Decision-makers must give reasons – Don Turley, Principal and Resource Management Act Commissioner, and Daniel Jackson, Solicitor, Hamish.Fletcher Lawyers

It’s a Catastrophe! Unplanned Failure of Activities and Potential Adverse Effects – Aidan Cameron,

Junior Barrister, Bankside Chambers

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November 2019 RM Journal


April 2019 RM Journal