April 2019 RM Journal

Table of Contents:

Five years on from King Salmon – R J Davidson and related cases – Ezekiel Hudspith, Kensington Swan

Editorial – Bronwyn Carruthers, Editor

Marine Guardians, a novel solution to improving our marine environment – Dr Steve Urlich, Department of Environmental Management, Lincoln University; Marlborough Girls College (MGC) 2018 Marine Team: Demi Fearn, Baylee McConaghey, Hannah Dickson, Siobhan Hemingway, Holly Wills, Julee Pillans, Stacey Wilkey, Oceania McClelland-Petersen; Melynda Bentley, Environmental Sustainability teacher, Marlborough Girls College, Blenheim

Private Land Use Arrangements in the Environment Court: Recent Decisions – Thomas Gibbons,

Director, McCaw Lewis

Adaptive Management under the RMA – Seeking Guidance for Practitioners – Hilke Giles, Environmental Consultant, Pisces Consulting Limited

Plantation Forestry: Are the Legal and Policy Settings Right to Incentivise the Right Tree in the Right Place for the Right Purpose? – Sally Gepp, Environmental Lawyer, Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc and Madeleine Wright, Environmental Lawyer

RMLA Scholarship winner announced

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August 2019 RM Journal


November 2018 RM Journal