August 2020 RM Journal

Table of Contents:

RMLA is pleased to announce that the August issue of the Resource Management Journal is now available.

This month’s issue includes:

Is COVID-19 the culture shift we need to reimagine urban amenity? – Dr Claire Kirman, Special Counsel – Urban Development and Dr Emma Fergusson, Principal Advisor, Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities

Editorial – Bronwyn Carruthers, Editor

Climate Change Implications for Local Government of the Resource Management Amendment Act 2020 – Blair Dickie, Climate Change Knowledge Hub Leader

Possum in the Headlights: An Audit of Australia’s Biodiversity Offsetting Conditions and Some Lessons for New Zealand – Sally Gepp, Barrister; Madeleine Wright, Senior Associate, Berry Simons; Dr Fleur Maseyk, Practice Leader – Conservation Science at The Catalyst Group; and Dr Marie Doole, Practice Leader Policy, The Catalyst Group

Mediation in the Environment Court: Do the Numbers Matter? – Jemma Hollis, 4th year LLB Hons student, University of Waikato

Case note: Bunnings Ltd v Auckland Transport [2020] NZEnvC 92 – Joseph Wright, Solicitor, Dentons Kensington Swan

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November 2020 RM Journal


April 2020 RM Journal