Commissioner for the Environment addresses Local Government NZ regional sector meeting
The Commissioner presented an address to Local Government New Zealand's regional sector meeting on 22 November in Wellington.
Commissioner for the Environment letter to Minister on Otago water quality
The Commissioner has written to the Hon Mark Patterson, Minister for Rural Communities and Associate Minister of Agriculture, regarding comments he made in the House concerning water quality in Otago.
Consultation opens on the development of a National Infrastructure Plan
New Zealand Infrastructure Commission | Te Waihanga has just published a discussion document entitled ‘Testing our thinking: Developing an enduring National Infrastructure Plan.’
Feedback invited on our international 2035 climate change target
The Government is inviting New Zealanders to share feedback on our international climate change target (known as a Nationally Determined Contribution) ahead of setting the next target in February 2025.
Proposals to modernise conservation
The Department of Conservation – Te Papa Atawhai has released two discussion documents with the aim of modernising New Zealand’s conservation management system.
Summary of submissions: Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules for small – medium supplies
In September, Taumata Arowai sought feedback on proposed improvements to the Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules for drinking water supplies that serve 500 or fewer people.
Climate Change Commission releases report on domestic contribution to the second nationally determined contribution
This report considers the domestic emissions reductions that could be achieved as part of the second nationally determined contribution (NDC2).
Commissioner for the Environment addresses Chapter Zero New Zealand
The Commissioner for the Environment spoke at a meeting of Chapter Zero New Zealand in Auckland.
His speech outlined five unpalatable realities that businesses need to confront in terms of the environment.
Help shape the Long-term Insights Briefing on building resilience to hazards
The Ministry for the Environment and DPMC are inviting public feedback on the types of issues the Long-term Insights Briefing should explore and will use this feedback to shape the briefing topic.
Suspension of new SNAs passes its third reading
The three-year suspension of identification of new significant natural areas (SNAs) has passed its third reading.
First RMA Amendment Act comes into force
The Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2024 received Royal Assent on 24 October and came into force the following day.
Government Releases Cabinet Paper on Replacement of the RMA
After previous public announcements, the Government has now published a cabinet paper outlining the goals and principles for replacing the RMA.