Report provides Taranaki industry a road map to transition to renewable energy
A new report, published by EECA (Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority), outlines recommendations to help Taranaki industry use less energy and move off fossil fuels – future proofing the region and setting it up for a low-carbon economy.
Consultation opens on reducing Forestry ETS annual charge
The Government has started consultation on a 50 per cent reduction to the annual charge for forest owners participating in the Forestry Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Registry.
Huge carbon emissions from wetland fires
More than 600,000 tonnes of carbon were lost to the atmosphere in recent fires at two of New Zealand’s most important wetlands, highlighting the importance of keeping wetlands wet.
Government responds to Climate Change Commission first annual monitoring report on emissions reductions
The Government has released its response to He Pou a Rangi - Climate Change Commission’s first annual monitoring report on emissions reductions.
Letter to Treasury on discount rate changes
The Commissioner for the Environment has written to the Treasury to welcome changes to the public sector discount rates used in cost benefit analysis.
Government provides clarity to farmers and councils on freshwater plans
The Government is to add an amendment to the Resource Management Act Amendment Bill which will restrict councils’ ability to notify freshwater plans.
Government and sector to improve Forestry ETS Registry
The Government has announced the establishment of a Forestry Sector Reference Group to drive better outcomes from the Forestry Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Registry.
Significant protection for Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana
Cabinet recently agreed to pass the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill into law, with amendments.
Crown Minerals Act Amendment Bill introduced to Parliament
Legislation reinstating petroleum exploration has been introduced by the Coalition Government.
PCE releases annual report
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment has published his annual report for the year ended 30 June 2024.
New Zealand Climate Change Ambassador appointed
Stuart Horne has been appointed as New Zealand’s Climate Change Ambassador.