EPA negotiates challenges to deliver new systems and improved processes
The Environmental Protection Authority has delivered its latest annual report.
Restoration of Customary Marine Title test begins
Legislation that will provide certainty around how Customary Marine Title is granted for New Zealand’s coastlines has passed its first reading in Parliament.
PCE letter to Methane Review Ministerial Advisory Panel
The Commissioner for the Environment has sent his research into biogenic methane and its warming effects to the Methane Review Ministerial Advisory Panel for consideration, along with a covering letter, as they review the science and targets related to methane emissions.
The contribution of historical methane emissions to present-day warming
In new research, ”The contribution of historical methane emission to present-day warming”, commissioned by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Dr Andy Reisinger has answered a fundamental next question: how much have individual sources of methane emissions – such as agriculture – contributed to present day warming globally?
Government releases final 2024 Action Plan focused on infrastructure
The Government’s Quarter Four (Q4) Action Plan will be focused on making it easier and faster to build infrastructure in New Zealand as part of its wider plan to rebuild the economy.
PCE submission on Crown Minerals Amendment Bill
Read the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment's submission on the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill.
Inquiry into climate adaptation
The final report of the Select Committee into climate adaptation has been released.
2024 Scholarship Recipient Announced
The RMLA scholarship program supports research shaping Aotearoa’s future by enhancing resource management and mātauranga Māori.
2024 RMLA Moot Competition Winners Announced
Congratulations to Alexander Sinclair and Oliva Sinnema, winners of our 2024 RMLA Moot Competition, presided over by Judge Kirkpatrick and Commissioner Janette Campbell.
Driving the uptake of low emission heavy vehicles
The Government has launched the Low Emissions Heavy Vehicle Fund (LEHVF) to promote innovation and offset the cost of hundreds of heavy vehicles powered by clean technologies.
New Aotearoa New Zealand climate projections released
New projections have been released which show how the climate could change in Aotearoa New Zealand over the rest of this century.
Hon Chris Bishop speaks at the RMLA Conference on replacing the Resource Management Act
Read the Minister’s speech as he outlines planning for the initial framework for reform of the RMA.