RMLA and NZPI invite you to join this Speed Networking Event
• Do you want to meet other people working in planning or the resource management field and swap stories?
• Does watching Netflix on a Thursday night no longer light your fire?
• Do you just really want to talk with someone who understands the resource management issues influencing ourselves as professionals and our communities?
If so, come along to our speed networking event. This is jointly run by the Wellington committees of the New Zealand Planning Institute and Resource Management Law Association as a social event for professionals to meet new people and make new connections. If you’re a planner, lawyer, engineer, architect, environmental consultant (or similar professions) then feel free to come along. The previous times we’ve run this event it’s been relaxed and fun, and we’re expecting more of the same.
Please come along and meet some new people.
Ticket price: $20 to cover drinks and food on the night.
Please bring: An interesting fact about yourself, a smile, and a topic to discuss.