Speech to Building Nations 2024 - Modernising New Zealand's PPP Model
Infrastructure and RMA Reform Minister Simon Court’s spoke at Infrastructure New Zealand’s 2024 Conference.
New priorities to protect future of conservation
The Government has introduced clear priorities to modernise Te Papa Atawhai - The Department of Conservation’s protection of our natural taonga.
Government to pause freshwater farm plan rollout
The rollout of freshwater farm plans is to be paused until system improvements are finalised.
MfE releases the 21st edition of the Resource Management Update
This newsletter provides a regular update from the Ministry for the Environment to people and organisations with an interest in the resource management system.
Hi-tech trials boost research on native forest carbon stocks
DOC says trials collecting data on forests using helicopter-mounted hi-tech 3D lasers could have significant benefits for climate change mitigation and conservation.
Greenhouse gases down in most New Zealand regions in 2023
Greenhouse gas emissions decreased in 13 out of 16 regions in New Zealand in the year ended December 2023, according to figures released by Stats NZ.
EDS releases Restoring Nature report
The Environmental Defence Society has launched a report called “Restoring Nature: Reform of the Conservation Management System” which sets out a comprehensive package of recommendations for a new conservation system.
Direction for natural hazards being developed
A new national direction is being developed to provide direction to councils on natural hazards such as floods and landslides when planning for new land use activities.
RMA Reform Phase Two priorities and plan
The Government will progress a second Resource Management Act Amendment Bill and a suite of changes to national direction to drive economic growth and productivity.
Changes recommended to one-stop shop Fast-track Bill
Cabinet has agreed to recommend changes to the Fast-track Approvals Bill to the Environment Committee.
Emissions Trading Scheme settings and regulations updated
The Government has announced how many New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) units will be available for auction and price controls for the next five years.
First electric empty container handlers to support lowering NZ’s ports’ emissions
New electric empty container handlers promise to play a key role in decarbonising two of New Zealand’s largest ports.