New priorities to protect future of conservation

The Government has introduced clear priorities to modernise Te Papa Atawhai - The Department of Conservation’s protection of our natural taonga.

The priorities are:

  • Target investment into high-value conservation outcomes. Our mahi will identify and strengthen protection of high value conservation areas that deliver the best outcomes for biodiversity and recreation.

  • Generate new revenue and recalibrate costs. We will strengthen conservation efforts by generating new revenue and improving outcomes from our investments in conservation.

  • Strengthen relationships with Iwi/hapū for better conservation outcomes. We will work closer with Iwi/hapū and others to meet our Tiriti o Waitangi - Treaty of Waitangi settlement commitments and achieve shared goals for conservation and kaitiakitanga.

  • Fix concession processes. We will reduce red tape to make it easier for businesses, researchers and others to undertake mahi and other activities on Public Conservation Land.


Speech to Building Nations 2024 - Modernising New Zealand's PPP Model


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