Exploring Land Use Change Under Different Policy Settings - PCE Report
In a recent LinkedIn post, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment asked, “Will the future landscapes of Aotearoa New Zealand be primarily made up of pine plantations and dairy farms or mosaics of more diverse land use?”
Changes to the way national waste data is collected
The Government has approved regulations that will improve the quality and availability of waste data.
Report maps road for South Island industry’s transition to renewable energy
A new report published by EECA (the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) charts a path for the South Island's industrial sector to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
Interwoven Futures - diverse conference registration options available
Are you someone who wants to attend our conference but are unable to due to other priorities or commitments? See our other options that might meet your needs…
Gas production forecast to fall below demand
Natural gas production in New Zealand is expected to drop below demand, according to the latest oil and gas reserves data.
Oceanic and coastal water temperatures highest since the series began
Between 2022 and 2023, oceanic and coastal waters around Aotearoa New Zealand reached their warmest annual temperatures since the series began in 1982, according to data released by Stats NZ.
Government unveils five-point climate strategy
The Government has released its climate change strategy, setting out its approach to how it will deliver on New Zealand’s climate goals.
Consultation opens on New Zealand’s Second Emissions Reduction Plan
Have your say on the actions and activities that New Zealand should take in the second half of the decade to help navigate towards a low-emissions future.
Oral submission on Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
The Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill (Bill) proposes a number of amendments to speed up the process to prepare and amend national direction.
2024 Scholarship applications for masters’ students open for four more weeks
Our scholarship program supports research shaping Aotearoa's future by enhancing resource management and mātauranga Māori.
Granny flats popular with all ages
More than 1,300 people have submitted on the recent proposal to make it easier to build granny flats.
New Zealand celebrates a year of plastic ban success
A year on from New Zealand banning some single-use plastics, almost one billion plastic items have been taken out of circulation.