24 Years of Insight. One Landmark Collection.

The Salmon Lectures: Law, Policy and the Environment (2022-2024)

Since the inception of the Annual Salmon Lecture, the RMLA has produced two volumes of earlier lectures to ensure the valuable education these lectures provide may endure and continue to encourage critical thought and debate within the field of environmental law and policy. This compendium is a reproduction of those two prior volumes while enabling the addition of later lectures.

The title of this latest compendium “Law, Policy, and the Environment” reflects the broad scope of the lectures compiled within, acknowledging the increasing emphasis on policy within New Zealand’s planning framework and the diverse contributions of those involved in environmental law.

Notably, this edition contains two lectures from 2022. Due to the challenges posed by COVID-19, two sessions were held that year, allowing participation in both the North and South Islands. Of those two lectures, this compendium includes in place of the lecture, an approved transcript of the 2022 lecture by Amelia Linzey (Chief Executive Officer, Beca), titled An Outcomes Approach to Planning – Opportunities for an Integrated Systems Thinking Approach.

This volume also benefits from a thoughtful foreword from the Honourable Peter Salmon KC and an engaging introduction by Chief Environment Court Chief Judge Kirkpatrick.

Finally, RMLA acknowledges and appreciates the dedication of resource management professionals whose thought leadership continues to shape this socially, economically, and environmentally vital field. Their contributions play a crucial role in fostering a more effective and sustainable approach to environmental law and policy in New Zealand, benefiting both present and future generations.

  • For over two decades, the Salmon Lectures have provided thought-provoking insights from leading experts in law, policy, and environmental governance. Now, for the first time, these influential lectures are collected in one volume.

    • Sustainable Development in New Zealand: Hon Peter Salmon KC, 2002

    • Letting the genie out of the bottle?  Professor Malcolm Grant, 2003

    • The role of restorative justice in RMA prosecutions:  Judge Fred McElrea, 2004

    • Allocation of public resources under the RMA: implications of Aoraki Water Trust v Meridian: Philip Milne, 2005

    • Review of the role of Māori under the Resource Management Act 1991:  Prue Kapua, 2006

    • Editorial introduction: justice and the environment: Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, 2002-2006

    • Sustainability - the language for the 21st century language: Dr J Morgan Williams,  2007

    • Human rights and the environment: problems and possibilities, Professor Dinah L Shelton, 2008

    • Ocean governance & the conservation of high seas living resources - harmonising a fragmented regime:  Dr Simone Borg, 2009

    • Scientific evidence and the precautionary principle in international courts and tribunals:  Dr Caroline Foster, 2010

    • Editorial introduction: justice and the environment: Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, 2007-2011

    • Sustainable urban design:  Dr Richard Simmons, 2011

    • Environmental rights in times of crisis - the Canterbury experience:  Justice Christian Whata 2012

    • Righting environmental justice:  Chief Justice Sian Elias, 2013

    • The environment - what matters most?  Dr Jan Wright, 2014

    • The place of science in successful environmental policy & law:  Sir Peter Gluckman, 2015

    • Auckland’s urban form – quality compact?  Rachel de Lambert, 2016

    • Reinventing paradise – from rules to reason, from economy to ecosystem:  Rod Oram

    • Environmental problems and constitutional principles, Associate Professor Ceri Warnock, 2018

    • He Pukenga Wai [Te Wai Maori]:  Hon Justice Joe Williams, 2019

    • RMA Reform, coming full circle:  Rt Hon Simon Upton, 2020

    • Resource Management Law, the next 30 years:  Dr Royden Somerville KC, 2022

    • An outcomes approach to planning – opportunities for an integrated systems thinking approach:  Amelia Linzey, 2022

    • The challenges of turning theory to outcomes in the resource management system:  James Palmer, 2023

    • The Tikanga in Law Project:  Aotearoa originalism or potemkin Law? Legitimacy of all branches of government under the microscope:  Paul Majurey, 2024

  • Although the book is not yet available for purchase, we are excited to share that it will be available very soon! Stay tuned for further details on how to secure your copy and discover the ideas that have shaped environmental and resource management law in Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond.

  • To celebrate this milestone publication, we invite you to attend the official launch event on Thursday 3 April 2025.

    Find out more here.


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