RMLA submission to Environmental Select Committee on Fast-track Bill.

RMLA representatives presented to the Environment Committee on the organisation’s submission to the Fast-track Approvals Bill on Thursday 6 June. During the presentation, Lauren Wallace and Kate Stubbing focused on key aspects of our submission: what (if any) changes can or should be made to the proposal to ensure that the instrument being considered will:

(a) be consistent with the general framework of existing laws and policies and legally sound;

(b) be practicable, effective and efficient;

(c) assist in promoting best practice; and

(d) produce high quality environmental outcomes.

Watch the full public session before the Environment Select Committee (skip forward to 2:53:32 in time on the recording) and/or read our submission below:


Agriculture to come out of the ETS


Primary Production Committee has called for submissions on the RM (Extended Duration of Coastal Permits for Marine Farm) Amendment Bill