Rethinking the RMA

In January this year the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment released a think piece entitled ‘Rethinking the RMA: the need for enduring reform’. This questioned whether the RMA had failed, commented on the role of local government, argued that the environment needs to be at the centre of any reform and promoted a cross party approach.

On April 16 Rebecca Thornley, General Counsel for the Commissioner, spoke to the Wellington branch members.  Rebecca outlined some of the key elements of the Commissioner’s paper and provided her personal insights on good law making.  Rebecca’s presentation inspired a good discussion amongst the 40-50 members that attended. Numerous problems in the current law and its implementation were canvassed, with a clear consensus that further food and drink was required before a resolution could be reached.

Thanks to the team at Dentons Kensington Swan for hosting the event.


Boosting the public EV charging network


Letter to Minister Bishop from RMLA