Resource Management Journal - Contributions

The RMLA was formed in 1992 as an organisation of environmental law and policy practitioners that promotes excellence in resource management policy and practice.

The RMLA has the benefit and strength of a diverse membership, including lawyers, planners, judges, environmental consultants, environmental engineers, local authority officers, elected officials, central government policy analysts, industry representatives and others.

This diversity inevitably creates a range of interests and viewpoints which support the robust development and maintenance of environmental law and policy in New Zealand.

The Resource Management Journal provides the opportunity for members and non-members to contribute to this development and maintenance with think pieces, case studies, case law updates, planning, and scientific discussions and updates.

The contribution of members, whether that be by picking up the pen themselves or shoulder-tapping people they know, is one way you can support our community in growing and thriving in this ever-changing environment.

You can find the process for submitting work for publication in the RMJ on our website. This involves lodging a brief synopsis of your proposed work. Once approved, you will be supported by the RMLA via our capable officer, and your work will be reviewed by our volunteer editorial committee and myself to ensure the very best makes it to the page.

As we publish three times a year, there are plenty of opportunities to do so, and of course, the RMJ is shared with our members, available in the National Library and has the benefit of our relationship with the New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law.

So check out our website, diary those dates and start putting your ideas on paper. We can’t wait to hear from you.

The RMLA has produced several publications since its establishment, including two compendium volumes of the Salmon Lectures Series.

The previous title of the Salmon Lectures Series compendium, Justice and the Environment, has been modified in this current compendium. We considered the title, Law, Policy and the Environment, reflected the diverse range of lectures gathered within these pages, the emphasis

and growth in policy within the planning hierarchy and the diversity in those practicing and contributing to environmental law in New Zealand.

This compendium contains all of the lectures given from 2002 to 2024 but for the 2011 lecture given by Dr Richard Simmons (formerly Chief Executive, Commission for Architecture and the Build Environment, United Kingdom), respect to Sustainable Urban Design given in 2011 which the RMLA do not have a copy or transcript of.

This compendium also contains, in place of the lecture, an approved transcript of the 2022 lecture given by Amelia Linzey (Chief Executive Officer, Beca) titled “An outcomes approach to planning- opportunities for an integrated systems thinking approach”.

Lastly, you may note that the compendium contains two lectures for 2022. As a result of the challenges presented by COVID-19, two lectures were given in 2022, enabling attendance either in the South Island or North Island.

Barbara Mead


Resource Management Journal, Editor

RMLA, National Committee Member


Granny flat construction discussion document released


Conference early bird registrations still open