Climate Change Minister welcomes ambitious new pledge from Climate Leaders Coalition

The Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC) has renewed its pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with what’s needed to limit warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Minister for Climate Change Change James Shaw says “This group of over 100 of our biggest companies is listening to the science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and committing to the 1.5 degrees C limit on warming that’s written into the Zero Carbon Bill.”

“The IPCC’s Special Report last year made it clear that the world needs to stay within that 1.5 degrees C limit if we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and ensure a liveable future for generations to come."

"These CLC group of companies collectively represent well over half - 60 per cent - of New Zealand’s total gross greenhouse gas emissions. To my knowledge, no other country in the world has a business network for climate action that even comes close to the level of coverage across the economy, or as a portion of national emissions, that the Climate Leaders Coalition has."


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