Update from the President
Kia ora koutou
After much discussion, substantive consideration of RMA reform has started. Details of the proposed review process in included our News Brief.
I spent the day in Wellington on Wednesday for the launch and meetings with MfE staff and Justice Randerson (who chairs the review group) and responding to media enquiries. Cabinet has identified RMLA as an association that is required to be consulted about the terms of review and the review generally. We will be active throughout the process.
It is clear that the Government’s programme will continue in the meantime. By the time we get to our conference in September, we will be deeply in the substantive RMA review process and have responded or be in the throes of responding to multiple policy statements and environmental standards and a Bill to change the RMA.
We will have a lot to discuss as a membership. I recommend that you indicate your interest areas in our Knowledge Hubs if you haven’t already. The Knowledge Hubs can be found here.
It is also time for elections to our National Committee. My time as President is drawing to an end and, as always, there remains much to be done. From my discussions with people around the country, practitioners in public and private sector and Ministers and government officials, I know that our Association is highly valued and we achieve many benefits for our members.
To do that we need active members on our National Committee and Regional Committees with diverse views from all around the country, in big and small organisations and from all areas impacted by the RMA. Please think about contributing.
Ngā mihi, na