International report card on New Zealand’s indigenous nature – we must do better

Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage says the latest report on how New Zealand is tracking against national and global biodiversity targets demonstrates the importance of increased investment in conservation.

“Earlier this year I announced details of how the Department of Conservation is spending an additional $76 million in Government funding to address New Zealand’s biodiversity crisis. The 6th National Report under the Convention of Biological Diversity shows how desperately needed that investment is.

“This report finds progress in some important areas including improved planning, more indigenous nature on private land under active protection and more people enjoying conservation experiences."

Eugenie Sage says “However, land use changes and introduced predators and pests continue to threaten our most precious ecosystems, native plants and wildlife. More than 4,000 of New Zealand’s native plant and wildlife species are threatened or at risk of extinction and more needs to be done."

Click here to read the report


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