Consents hit record high in Auckland

Auckland Council is on a recruiting drive for consenting staff to keep pace with the record rate of building in Auckland.

In the year to February 2019, Auckland consents for new homes hit a record 13,847 up 25% for the same period in the previous year.

Mayor Phil Goff says “Consents in Auckland are skyrocketing with an average of 1150 consents being issued every month.”

Seven years ago we were issuing only about 3600 consents a year and for years after that building numbers and infrastructure lagged massively behind Auckland’s growth in population."

Mr Goff says “Auckland is in the middle of a building boom and the council wants to increase the speed at which it issues consents. However, we need more staff to ensure we can maintain this record pace of consents issued and help build more houses in Auckland."

Chair of Auckland Council’s Regulatory Committee, Linda Cooper, says, “Auckland Council has made a concerted effort to increase the speed at which it processes consents.“Simple consents for building a deck or a carport are turned around more quickly thanks to an online process and a Qualified Partner service provides a streamlined application process for large developers who are working off standardised plans.


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