Regional Profile - Rachel Brooking

Tēnā koutou

I have been a member of the RMLA since the early 2000s in Wellington when working for the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Upon moving south to Ōtepoti I was quickly pulled into the RMLA fold and helped organise dinners for two exceptional local planning lawyers (Neville Marquet and Jim Guthrie) before heading overseas for a couple of years.

Once back in Dunedin I re-joined the RMLA community and a few years later co-convened the 2014 conference and subsequently took up the local branch chair role.

In addition to encouraging people to speak to our local branch, I work at Anderson Lloyd doing planning, local government, and environmental law. Most of my time is spent working for southern councils on resource consent appeals, plan reviews, or the plethora of local government issues.

 If you have something to say and are heading south then please get in touch and I'll (and my lovely committee) try to organise a suitable occasion.


National Monitoring System 2017/18 data released 


Waikanae River chosen for priority restoration