Smart transport systems to generate $1.5 billion annually

A new report produced by the Future Technology Leadership Group has revealed that New Zealand could harness as much as $1.5 billion a year through Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), while addressing the problems of traffic congestion and emissions. The new report, commissioned by Business NZ, sets out the economic benefits and the required frameworks to support ITS.

The report, titled Unlocking Commercial Opportunities of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), focused on three areas: drones, smart logistics and autonomous self-driving vehicles. The authors noted that New Zealand regulatory and business environment is favourable to ITS.

During the launch of the report at a conference in Auckland earlier this week, Transport Minister Phil Twyford also announced the private and public sector members of Future Technology Leadership Group. The Future Technology Leadership Group has been tasked with developing a 10-year Land Transport Technology Roadmap.

 “This is an exciting time for transport and technology. Intelligent Transport Systems have the potential to not only make transport more efficient, better for the environment and safer, we now know they can make a valuable contribution to New Zealand’s economy,” said Minister Twyford.

Membership of the Future Transport Leadership Group includes:

NZ Transport Agency Ministry of Transport Auckland Transport
Christchurch City Council Greater Wellington Regional Council Google
Machine zone ITS New Zealand ITS Australia
Ministry of Education Local Government NZ Fulton Hogan
Transport Accident Investigation Commission Australia New Zealand Driverless Vehicle Initiative (ADVI) Telecom Users Association
Vodafone KiwiRail Toyota NZ
HMI Technologies BECA UShare
Road Transport Forum Automobile Association Westpac
Gladeye Foodstuffs Bike Auckland
Chapman Tripp Uber GoBus
Datacom Arup CISCO
Synapsis L.E.K. Consulting Business NZ

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