Funding boost for electric vehicles

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods has announced a $3.74 million for 20 projects under the third round of the Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund, administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).The projects, which include a 58 tonne fully electric truck to be used by Coda in Hamilton to transport Fonterra dairy goods to the railway, will see Government funding matched or bettered by businesses.“Projects like this are vital to show others in the heavy logistics and transport industry that electric trucks are not only viable but have very low running costs”, said Dr Woods, noting that a $1.7m of the funding will help fill gaps in the country’s charging infrastructure. Funding is also being channelled into tourism opportunities such as electric campervans.

Also announced was a Motor Industry Training Organisation project to develop a qualifications framework for mechanics working on electric vehicles.

The fund is one of a range of initiatives in the Government’s Electric Vehicles Programme, which has a target of doubling the numbers of electric vehicles every year to reach 64,000 by the end of 2021.

For more information about the fund visit



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