RMLA invites members to submit views on Resource Legislation Amendment Bill

The RMLA is preparing a submission on the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill which was introduced on 26 November 2015.  The Bill encompasses changes to the Resource Management Act, Reserves Act, Conservation Act, Public Works Act, Environmental Protection Authority Act and EEZ and Continental Shelf Act. 

Its stated aim is to deliver substantive, system-wide improvements to the resource management system.  Broadly, it seeks to achieve better alignment and integration across the resource management system, proportional and adaptable resource management processes (eg greater flexibility in process), and robust and durable resource management decisions (with a focus on upfront planning, participation and engagement, and evidence based decision making).  

Link to Resource Legislation Amendment Bill

RMLA members wishing to put forward their views on the Bill for consideration by the National Committee in developing the RMLA's submission on the Bill are encouraged to do so. 

It would assist if members could set their comments out in the following way:

- Specific issue: identify the clause and summarise what it addresses;

- Submission: state support for or concerns with the clause;

- Relief sought: state if the clause should be amended and how.

Repeat the same pattern for each clause / issue that you consider the RMLA should comment on.

When commenting on the bill you should bear in mind that the RMLA’s prime objective in making submissions on legislation is to ensure that a coherent and practicable body of resource management and environmental law and practice is developed in New Zealand.  As a result it is not generally the RMLA’s practice to advance any particular policy position in relation to proposed legislation, but, rather, any RMLA submission is usually focused to ensure that proposed legislative changes: 

- Are consistent with the general framework of existing laws and policies;

- Will be practicable and workable;

- Will assist in promoting best practice.

We look forward to receiving your feedback by Monday 8 February 2016 – your contributions will be important in assisting the RMLA to formulate its submission on the bill. 

Please email any comments to Karol Helmink, email: karol.helmink@rmla.org.nz.  

While submissions are due by 14 March 2016, the RMLA's Legislation Committee and National Committee need feedback earlier so they have time to consider it and the extent to which it can or should be incorporated into the RMLA submission.  


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