RMLA submission on Better Urban Planning

In response to the NZ Productivity Commission’s call for submissions on Better Urban Planning, the RMLA is inviting feedback from members to assist with the development of RMLA’s submission.

The Productivity Commission inquiry’s objective, through a rigourous review of New Zealand’s planning system, is to identify the most appropriate system for allocating land use to support “desirable social, economic, environmental and cultural outcomes”.  Despite the title of the Productivity Commission's issue report, its scope is not limited to urban planning issues and process but encompasses the resource management and planning system as a whole.  

Looking beyond the current system, the Productivity Commission is considering fundamentally different ways of approach planning and development.

The purpose of the inquiry is to consider lessons that can be drawn from the current planning system and its implementation in urban areas, rather than critiquing previous or ongoing reforms to the legislation that make up the existing urban planning system.

The inquiry comprises thirty-nine questions in total on the rational for planning; land and context for land use regulation; the current planning system; outcomes of the current planning system; the RMA and its objectives; alternative approaches; lessons from other jurisdictions; and on specific issues ranging from managing the risk of natural hazards to handling technological change.

RMLA encourages members to read the Productivity Commission’s issues paper and call for submissions. The document can downloaded here, or from the following URL:


Details on how to contribute to the RMLA submission will follow shortly.



For media enquiries, please contact 

Rikki Stancich

Communications and Sponsorship Manager

Tel - 022 369 9116 | E - rikki.stancich@rmla.org.nz

About RMLA:

Founded in 1992, the Resource Management Law Association (RMLA) is a multi-disciplinary membership organisation Association with over 1100 members including lawyers, planners, environmental managers, scientists, engineers, architects, local authority and central government officers. The RMLA seeks to promote within New Zealand an understanding of resource management law and its implementation; excellence in resource management policy and practice; resource management processes which are legally sound, effective and efficient; and which produce high-quality environmental outcomes.


Regional News : December 2015


Special Sitting: Auckland Environment Court honours Assoc. Prof. Kenneth Palmer