RMLA acknowledges Fourth Report of the Land and Water Forum

RMLA welcomes Fourth Report of the Land and Water Forum

New Zealand’s Land and Water Forum has published its fourth report providing recommendations on how to maximise the economic benefits of freshwater in compliance with quality and quantity limits set out in the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management 2014 (NPS-FM).

In setting out its recommendations, the Land and Water Forum stresses the need for flexibility with regard to water management; infrastructure development to facilitate catchment-scale mitigation; improved water use data capture, models and tools; reduced water waste and water management inefficiency; greater Iwi inclusion in the water economy; and support for New Zealand businesses to achieve sustainable water performance and in turn, promote and benefit from the 100% Pure New Zealand brand.

RMLA is reviewing the report as it is relevant to advancing the framework for reform of our freshwater management system.  Furthermore, RMLA is interested in the effectiveness of the collaborative process, and notes the support by many significant stakeholders across the spectrum, from those who use freshwater, to those who seek to protect freshwater.

Of particular interest to RMLA are the report’s recommendations relating to how to address Iwi rights and interests in freshwater; the creation of a trading and transfer regime for water consents; the exclusion of stock from waterways; and the range of mechanisms to address over-allocation.

RMLA President Maree Baker-Galloway noted: “Improving New Zealand’s management of freshwater to improve quality while maximising its efficient use is complex and difficult. I look forward to considering this 4th Report in detail which is the result of the hard work of a lot of people.

“I also look forward to the Forum’s consideration next year of further population of the National Objectives Framework within the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management 2014, and its commentary on the overall implementation of the two freshwater NPSs in accordance with its Government mandate.”

To read the Fourth Report of the Land and Water Forum, please click here or visit: http://www.landandwater.org.nz


For media enquiries, please contact:

Rikki Stancich

Communications and Sponsorship Manager

Tel - 022 369 9116 | E - rikki.stancich@rmla.org.nz

About RMLA:

Founded in 1992, the Resource Management Law Association (RMLA) is a multi-disciplinary membership organisation Association with over 1100 members including lawyers, planners, environmental managers, scientists, engineers, architects, local authority and central government officers. The RMLA seeks to promote within New Zealand an understanding of resource management law and its implementation; excellence in resource management policy and practice; resource management processes which are legally sound, effective and efficient; and which produce high-quality environmental outcomes.


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