Section 32 Webinar
SECTION 32 OF THE RMA WORKSHOP SERIES - Incorporating changes as a result of the Resource Management Amendment Act 2013
The Ministry for the Environment, in partnership with the New Zealand Planning Institute and the Resource Management Law Association, recently ran a series of workshops on the amendments to section 32 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
The amendments, which took effect from December 2013, are designed to improve the quality of section 32 evaluations by providing greater detail about what is required in section 32 reporting, particularly the assessment of benefits and costs, including anticipated opportunities for economic growth and employment. Section 32 evaluations require careful planning and scoping to ensure proper integration with the plan development process.
The Workshop Series:
The section 32 workshop series was hosted by expert practitioners including lawyers, economists, and planners. The intention of the training events was to equip practitioners with the skills required to undertake high quality section 32 evaluations in a systematic manner.
The workshop series covered matters such as key legal considerations, considering scale and significance issues, identifying reasonably practicable options, methods and approaches to determining efficiency/effectiveness and the role of economics in section 32 evaluations.
Presenters included Dana Carter (Ministry for the Environment), Maree Baker-Galloway (Anderson Lloyd Lawyers), Heather Ash (Simpson Grierson), Philip Brown (Campbell Brown Planning Ltd) and Douglas Fairgray (Market Economics Ltd).
The Auckland workshop was also attended by Judge David Kirkpatrick who provided an introductory overview on section 32.
The workshops are designed to complement the interim guidance for section 32 prepared by the Ministry for the Environment.
The Webinar
To view the webinar from this series, please go to the following link:
The paper from this presentation can be downloaded here: Section32 of RMA