NELA's Australian Environmental Law Digest

Australian Environmental Law Digest | August 2014

Welcome to the first edition of the Australian Environmental Law Digest.

The National Environmental Law Association is Australia’s leading professional forum for discussion of national environment and climate change laws. Earlier this year, NELA reviewed our flagship publication, the National Environmental Law Review. We decided that rather than adding to the volume of material already available, NELA could play a more valuable role by developing a platform to collate and promote published material.

With that in mind, we are developing the online Environmental and Climate Change Law Library to bring together the wealth of high quality analysis of environment and climate change law developments being produced by law firms, academics and consultants around Australia.  With contributions from a wide range of sources, we hope that the Library  will become a comprehensive, practical and accessible resource. To become a contributor, please contact us at

Each quarter, the Australian Environmental Law Digest will highlight key recent articles uploaded to the Library, with a few NELA extras. Both the online Library and the Digest are free and will be distributed widely through NELA’s partners, contributors and networks. So pass it on!

Special offer: subscribe to the Digest in August 2014 to receive a free three-month subscription to the NELA Bulletin.

For any technical or formatting issues in relation to the Digest please contact Paul Nicholls, NELA's association manager at


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