RMLA Regional News - August 2014

Bay of Plenty - Cushla Loomb

The past few months have been a busy time for the BoP branch of the RMLA. In July, HOBEC hosted the ‘Conditions of Consent’ roadshow which discussed the issues and the recent trends around the framing and administration of consent conditions. The event was well attended with a sold out crowd of 40 people attending to hear from a distinguished panel of presenters including lawyers, planners and environment court judges. The event was followed by drinks and nibbles which provided for the all-important ‘socialising’ time. The Proposed Regional Coastal Environment Plan is also out for public submissions which is keeping a number of our members busy at present.   Submissions close on the 22 August. The committee continues to plan for regional events (the next one potentially being on environmental compensation – date to be confirmed) and theming is well underway by the organising committee for next year's national conference to be held in the Bay.

Stay tuned for updates.

Taranaki - Cam Twigley

The Taranaki Branch recently held the Environmental Compensation and Consent Conditions Roadshows.  These were well attended by members and non-members alike and the feedback received on their relevance to local issues has been overwhelmingly positive.  The committee is planning to hold its own event in the near future and looks forward to hosting further national roadshows later in the year.


Wellington - Nicky McIndoe and Maia Wikaira

The Wellington Branch of the RMLA has kept members busy during the winter with a number of events.  The Conditions of Consent roadshow was hosted by Chapman Tripp on 3 July, and was a sell-out success.  Two events are planned for August – on 13 August Buddle Findlay will host a Q&A panel session on the Supreme Court’s King Salmon decisions, with counsel for many of the parties represented on the panel, as well as a representative from the Wellington Regional Council. This session will be very useful in helping us all come to terms with legal life in a post-King Salmon world. Later in August the Wellington section will host the Environmental Compensation Roadshow, which will be supplemented by a speaker from the NGO community. 

Nelson - Antoinette Besier

The Nelson/Marlborough branch recently hosted the Environmental Compensation roadshow run by Graham Ussher and Mark Christensen.  The event was well attended and very informative.  The next event on the calendar is the Conditions of Consent roadshow.  This is to be held at the Nelson City Council chambers on 11 August at 1 pm. 

The Committee is considering running lunch time discussions on topics of interest for practitioners and would welcome any expressions of interest or suggestions for topics.  Please contact Antoinette on abesier@fvm.co.nz  if you have any suggestions.

Otago/Southland - Chris Thomsen

The Conference organisation is proceeding well. The program has come together nicely and the social functions are looking top shelf.  We are hoping to see a great turn out from locals (there are after all no accommodation and travel costs, if you need some extra leverage).  Early registrations have been pleasing.

As luck would have it, we have had a busy local program too.  The MfE s32 roadshow is was held at ORC Chambers on 5 August, followed by an examination of environmental compensation by Maree Baker-Galloway and David Norton on 8 August.  A busy August is to be rounded out by the Principal Judge’s workshop on the preparation of consent conditions on August 13 at the DCC.

Queenstown - Jan Caunter

The Branch has hosted two seminars over the winter period so far.  On 4 June, we heard from Queenstown Lakes District Council’ planning team on progress with the district plan review.  At this stage, it is expected the new plan will be notified in May 2015.

On 17 July we heard from Judges Newhook and Hassan and a number of other speakers on the topic of consent conditions.  This interesting and valuable workshop ran for the afternoon and was followed by drinks and nibbles.  The workshop coincided with a very cold snap - we managed to keep all beer and wine very well chilled by leaving it outside the venue while the workshop was on!

Our next session is on 21 August, addressing environmental compensation.


NELA's Australian Environmental Law Digest


RMLA Elections : Call for Nominations to National Committee