November 2013 RM Journal

Time to pay attention to stewardship land – Dr J Wright, PCE

Ipad advantage in court – Acting Principal Judge L Newhook

Editorial and RMLA Scholarship winners 2013

Biodiversity offsets: The latest on the law (abridged) – Mark Christensen and Maree Baker-Galloway, Anderson Lloyd

“Fast track” processes: Do they really work? – Daniel Minhinnick and Anna McConachy, Russell McVeagh

Existing environment revisited – Andrew Beatson and Natasha Garvan, Bell Gully

Earth Jurisprudence and the rights of nature – Catherine Iorns, Victoria University

Book review – Dolphins of Aotearoa by Raewyn Peart – Dr Elizabeth Slooten, Otago University

Recent cases – Bronwyn Carruthers and Brigid Kelly, Russell McVeagh

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Biodiversity Offsets: the latest on the law


August 2013 RM Journal