August 2021 RM Journal

Table of Contents:

Rethinking the regulation of farming: the need for a principles-based approach – Bal Matheson, Barrister, Richmond Chambers

Editorial – Bronwyn Carruthers, Editor

Book review: Environmental Courts and Tribunals: Powers, Integrity and the Search for Legitimacy – Author, Professor Ceri Warnock

Defining mitigation: an ecology perspective – Justine Quinn, Matt Baber, Josh Markham, Graham Ussher, Mark Lowe and Nick Goldwater

The Natural and Built Environments Ecologies Act: bringing the ‘hidden infrastructure’ to light – Dr Steve Urlich, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management, Lincoln University

The devil in the details: planning provisions and their importance for infrastructure – Daniel Minhinnick, Partner, Russell McVeagh and Alice Gilbert, Solicitor, Russell McVeagh

Eden-Epsom Residential Protection Society Inc v Auckland Council [2021] NZEnvC 082 – Bronwyn Carruthers, Barrister, Shortland Chambers

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November 2021 RM Journal


April 2021 RM Journal