April 2016 RM Journal

Cover – Different kinds of argument for applying property law to resource consents, Prof B Barton


Nature of a resource consent – the next instalment, Nicky McIndoe, Partner, and Anna Cameron, Solicitor, Kensington Swan Lawyers

A missed opportunity? The proposed changes to the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2012, James Gardner-Hopkins, Barrister, and Simon Pilkinton, Senior Solicitor, Russell McVeagh

Omitting the ‘outstanding’ – natural landscapes and SNAs, Sarah Ongley, Barrister and Peter Anderson, General Counsel, Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of NZ Inc

Recent cases

The Paris Climate Agreement – implications for NZ businesses, Professor Ralph Sims, Massey University

Book review – Environmental Law in NZ

Changing the resource management landscape – what is proposed and how it has been received? Eloise Lonnberg-Shaw, Associate, McCaw Lewis Lawyers

Excerpt from the Special Sitting of the Environment Court to mark the retirement of Associate Professor K Palmer

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August 2016 RM Journal


November 2015 RM Journal