New Zealand Journal of Enviornmental Law, Vol 27 (2023) now available

The NZJEL is an independent academic journal published by the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law based at the Auckland Law School University of Auckland. It contains in-depth analysis of environmental and resource management issues in New Zealand and internationally, and some shorter analysis and commentary on recent case-law, legislative reforms, and other topical issues. It is available on annual subscription at $40.00 for the electronic (readable pdf) version, $75.00 for the hard copy version delivered in New Zealand), and $NZ70.00 plus postage for overseas subscribers.


The latest volume contains articles and shorter commentary on a wide range of topics, including resource management law reform, aspects of climate change and the role of the courts, the management of plantation forestry in New Zealand in the context of extreme weather events, the more efficient provision of water infrastructure and quality through a water tax system, the issue of Māori sovereignty in the Exclusive Economic Zone, the importance of expert evidence in the International Court of Justice, and a detailed case note on the New Zealand Supreme Court decision Port Otago Limited v Environmental Defence Society [2023] NZSC 112. The volume also includes two reviews of interesting and influential international books that may also provide guidance and inspiration to New Zealand readers. 


Subscription inquiries should be directed to the General Editor at:


Framework to guide how New Zealand adapts


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