U. Otago graduate claims prestigious RMLA Scholarship

Otago graduate and recent Kahui Legal Associate, Maia Wikaira is the recipient of a prized 2016 Resource Management Law Association post graduate scholarship.

Maia is enrolled in an Environmental Law and Policy LLM at Stanford Law School which annually takes 15 students globally. Her thesis will explore the provision for iwi rights and interests in New Zealand’s freshwater allocation framework.

She will analyse water market and pricing regimes in the US and the provision for Native American water rights and interests in state or federal allocation frameworks to identify potential options for provision for iwi rights and interests.

She will present to the World Indigenous Law Conference in California on New Zealand’s freshwater regulatory framework.

True to RMLA’s ethos of fostering an understanding of resource management law and its implementation in a multidisciplinary framework, the RMLA scholarship not only provides financial support for the applicants’ research thesis; it also provides a powerful platform for their career advancement.

Maia will see her work published in the RMLA’s highly respected Resource Management Theory & Practice annual publication.

Bundled into the scholarship package is a one-year RMLA membership, providing unrestricted access to RMLA’s publications, news and discounted entry to all RMLA events. This provides our scholarship winners with invaluable learning as well as networking opportunities with RMLA’s diverse, broad-based membership.

The RMLA extends its warmest congratulations to Maia and wishes her every success in her postgraduate studies.

To learn more about RMLA’s Scholarships and Awards, please click here.


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