Taranaki Treaty settlements near closure
The House of Representatives sat through extended sitting hours on Wednesday morning to pass the Ngāruahine, Te Atiawa and Taranaki Iwi Claims Settlement Bills through their third readings.
The three settlements include financial and commercial redress totalling $224.5m and the vesting of cultural sites including Ngā Motu / Sugar Loaf Islands.
Redress also provides for iwi participation in local government decision making through representation on two standing committees of the Taranaki Regional Council (the Policy and Planning Committee and Regulatory and Consents Committee).
“Historical Treaty settlements in the Taranaki region are nearly complete,” said Hon Christopher Finlayson, who presides of the Treaty of Waitangi negotiations. “Of the eight iwi in the Taranaki region, seven have finalised Treaty settlements and Ngāti Maru is currently working towards an agreement in principle.”