An opportunity to raise awareness or share your perspective.

There’s a famous song from the musical “Rent” that has the line “Five hundred, twenty five thousand, six hundred minutes” (“Seasons of Love”) - it’s the number of minutes in a year. Well, the RMLA Resource Management Journal tag line could be “one million, one hundred and four thousand” -  words so far!!

Over the last 23 years, the Resource Management Journal has published more than 69 articles, adding up to at least 1,104,000 words!! All the articles are in the archives section on our website. Simply sign in using your member login. There have been repeat themes (death by a thousand cuts, reforms, back to the future etc.) but there’s a lot of variety - heritage, climate change, road pricing, marine and coastal, transport, the EEZ, Aquaculture, Stewardship land (topical at the moment!!), biodiversity offsets, noise, air quality, housing for Māori, regulation of farming, and rezoning urban land, to name but a few.

Given our broad membership base, we’ve had articles from across the board (not just lawyers!), which makes for an interesting variety of perspectives. We’re always looking for contributions and it’s a great opportunity to get your name out there! So, if you have a burning issue you want to raise awareness of, or a perspective to share on what’s happening in our various sectors, please send a short synopsis to our Executive Officer for review and approval by the RMLA Editorial Committee. For the April issue a submission of synopsis is due by 18 March with the final article due 29 March. All articles should generally be no longer than 2,000 words (this is at the Editor’s discretion) but there was once an entire issue, 24 pages long, on Biodiversity Offsets, so don’t be shy!!

New to the journal? See back copy here.

Curious to find out more? Article submission guidelines here.


Significant Natural Areas requirement to be suspended


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