Newly-claimed seascapes: Options for repurposing inundated areas

Sea-level rise is unstoppable. Communities worldwide are facing difficult choices in responding to changing coastlines and estuaries. Understandably, there is little attention on the potential for repurposing inundated areas because retreat and adaptation take precedence.

Repurposing may be infeasible for newly-claimed seascapes in exposed and high-energy coasts. Nevertheless, for sheltered coastal areas, shallow estuaries, and harbours, there may be potential for repurposing some areas for aquaculture, fisheries, wetlands, and/or blue carbon. For example, abandoned and decontaminated structures may provide fish nursery habitat as artificial reefs.

This international article presents the results of a systematic literature review of potential options, along with identified benefits and implementation barriers.

Read the full article on the ScienceDirect website


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