Inquiry into climate adaptation

The Environment Committee Komiti Whiriwhiri Take Taiao has initiated an inquiry into climate adaptation and is calling for public submissions.

Terms of reference for the select committee inquiry (issued 24 August 2023)

For the purpose of its inquiry, the committee is particularly interested in:

  • The current approach to community-led retreat and adaptation funding, its strengths, risks and costs

  • Lessons learned from severe weather events and natural disasters in Aotearoa New Zealand for community-led retreat and funding climate adaptation

  • Effective mechanisms for community-led decision making

  • The role of the private sector in managing climate risk

  • Potential institutional arrangements, including roles and responsibilities of central and local government agencies, iwi and hapu

  • Māori participation, Crown obligations, and how to best give effect to the principles of te Tiriti o Waitangi, and integrate matauranga Māori and te ao Māori across the adaptation system

  • Alignment and integration with existing legislation and regulatory framework, including the reformed resource management system and any changes needed to regulatory powers and potential economic or other incentives needed to support adaptation actions (both before and after extreme events)

  • Funding sources, access to them and principles and criteria for cost sharing

  • Targets or indicators for assessing progress to more resilient communities and infrastructure.

The closing date for submissions is Wednesday, 01 November 2023


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