Deferral of Climate Change Response Act 2002 reporting obligations for animal farmers
This package from MfE contains the cabinet paper and minutes and regulatory impact statement relating to the deferral of New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) obligations for animal farmers under the Climate Change Response Act 2002 (CCRA) from 1 January 2024 to 1 January 2026.
List of documents:
Regulatory impact statement: An Order in Council to defer monitoring and reporting obligations for animal farmers under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme - 25 September 2023
Cabinet paper: Deferral of Climate Change Response Act 2002 obligations for animals - farmer activities - 2 October 2023
CAB-23-MIN-0457: cabinet minute of decision - 2 October 2023
Subsequent amendments to the CCRA in 2024, which removed all agricultural activities from the NZ ETS, mean animal farmers are not required to register in the NZ ETS or start reporting their on-farm emissions from 1 January 2026