Ngā Kōrero Āhuarangi Me Te Ōhanga: Climate Economic and Fiscal Assessment 2023


Ngā Kōrero Āhuarangi me te Ōhanga – Climate Economic and Fiscal Assessment has been jointly produced by the Treasury and the Ministry for the Environment.

This report brings together information on the economic and fiscal implications of climate change and New Zealand’s response to it. The costs of climate change will be large and felt unevenly across different sectors and groups of society. The choices made by governments, businesses and households, domestically and internationally, will all influence how the impacts of climate change play out.

The purpose of Ngā Kōrero Āhuarangi me te Ōhanga – Climate Economic and Fiscal Assessment is to help decision-makers across the public and private sectors identify and manage the risks and opportunities of physical climate change and New Zealand’s transition to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future.


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