Climate Change Commission announces consultation on their draft advice on the next emissions reduction plan
He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission will soon be consulting on their draft advice to Government on the second emissions reduction plan.Consultation opens on 26 April and runs through to 20 June 2023.The second emissions budget (for 2026-3030) has been set, but the Government needs a plan to deliver on it. He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission’s role is to provide independent, evidence-based advice on the direction of policy, taking a systems-wide view. They last provided advice like this in the 2021 report, Ināia tonu nei.
What will consultation look like?
They will run an online submissions process similar to the one they conducted for Ināia tonu nei. You can access their consultation platform here: Have Your Say | Climate Change CommissionThey are planning in-person and online events where they will share the draft advice and answer your questions. More details on these events will be available soon.Read more