Proposals aimed at user-friendly, up-to-date conservation processes


Public feedback is being sought on proposed changes to improve management planning and concession processes in conservation legislation.

The Conservation Management and Processes Bill is focused on making practical targeted amendments to make the tools within the conservation planning framework more user-friendly for everyone.

Part of a wider law reform process to address a number of long standing problems in conservation law, these changes seek to make immediate improvements to better deliver conservation outcomes.

The proposals focus on three key areas:

  • the ability to develop and review statutory management strategies and plans

  • the ability to process and manage a range of activities to be undertaken on public conservation lands and waters through the concessions process

  • the ability to resolve or clarify miscellaneous minor or technical legislative amendments (such as, update definitions or terminologies).

More information about the discussion document.

Submissions close on 30 June 2022.


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