DOC sets out plan of action on biodiversity challenges


The Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2020 – Te Mana o te Taiao now has an accompanying implementation plan, aimed at driving collective action to tackle New Zealand’s biodiversity crisis.

Biodiversity in Aotearoa New Zealand and across the rest of the world is declining due to a range of threats.

The implementation plan sets out a pathway for achieving the outcomes of Te Mana o te Taiao over the next 30 years, with an immediate focus on establishing systems that will stimulate and sustain nationwide action.

Te Mana o te Taiao contains 54 goals grouped under three pou (pillars) or priority areas: Tūāpapa – getting the system right, Whakahau – empowering action, Tiaki me te Whakahaumanu – protecting and restoring.

The implementation plan identifies central and local government actions to achieve a number of these goals by 2025 and specifies who is leading those actions.

There is a strong emphasis on central and local government as it’s government’s responsibility to establish and steward the systems and processes for biodiversity protection and restoration work.

There will be 5-yearly reviews of the implementation plan to evaluate progress towards goals and outcomes, re-assess priorities and develop new actions.

DOC is leading the first stages of implementation. The initial focus is on establishing well-functioning systems and processes.

Download the Implementation Plan


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