Protecting Auckland’s water future


Auckland Council’s Auckland Water Strategy has been adopted by the Environment and Climate Change committee.

Within the strategy, the council commits to considering the protection and enhancement of water as a priority in all relevant decision-making.

While it is not a statutory document, it will inform how the council approaches statutory processes, such as Council-Controlled Organisation Statements of Intent, the 10-year Budget, and our Asset Management Plans.

The vision and the eight strategic shifts

The vision of the strategy is “te mauri o te wai o Tāmaki Makaurau, the life-sustaining capacity of Auckland’s water, is protected and enhanced”. It comes from the previously consulted public discussion document Our Water Future - Tō Tātou Wai Ahu Ake Nei and means a future where the region’s waters are healthy, thriving, and treasured. A future where the deep connections between water, the environment and people are recognised and valued.

Within the Auckland Water Strategy, there are eight ‘strategic shifts’ that will help the council group to deliver better water outcomes over time. These are:

  • Te Tiriti Partnership - the council and mana whenua working together in agreed ways on agreed priorities
  • Empowered Aucklanders - the council working with Aucklanders for better water outcomes
  • Sustainable Allocation and Equitable Access - prioritising mauri when using water, to sustain the environment and people in the long term
  • Regenerative Water Infrastructure - ensuring Auckland’s water infrastructure is regenerative, resilient, low carbon, and increases the mauri of water. It should be seen and understood by Aucklanders
  • Water Security - creating water abundance and security for a growing population through efficient use and diverse sources
  • Integrated Land use and Water Planning - integrating land use and water planning at a regional, catchment, and site scale
  • Restoring and Enhancing Water Ecosystems - taking catchment-based approaches to the health of water ecosystems
  • Pooling Knowledge - fostering a shared understanding enabling better decisions for our water future

You can find more information about the Auckland Water Strategy on the Auckland Council website.


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